Monday, April 20, 2020

Security Onion - Linux Distro For IDS, NSM, And Log Management

Security Onion is a free and open source Linux distribution for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Snort, Suricata, Bro, OSSEC, Sguil, Squert, NetworkMiner, and many other security tools. The easy-to-use Setup wizard allows you to build an army of distributed sensors for your enterprise in minutes!

Security-onion project
This repo contains the ISO image, Wiki, and Roadmap for Security Onion.

Looking for documentation?
Please proceed to the Wiki.


More information
  1. Hacker Search Tools
  2. Tools 4 Hack
  3. Pentest Automation Tools
  4. Hacker Tools Github
  5. Hack Tools
  6. Pentest Tools Windows
  7. Hacker Tools
  8. Hacks And Tools
  9. Pentest Tools Bluekeep
  10. How To Hack
  11. Hacking Tools For Mac
  12. How To Hack
  13. Hacker Search Tools
  14. Hacking Tools Name
  15. Usb Pentest Tools
  16. Pentest Reporting Tools
  17. Hack Tools
  18. Pentest Automation Tools
  19. Pentest Tools For Mac
  20. Best Hacking Tools 2019
  21. Black Hat Hacker Tools

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